Metaphysical Info

Papagoite is a highly rare and powerful crystal. Not much metaphysical info exists on Papagoite due to the fact that it is hard to come by and has not been handled by many people.

Papagoite holds a very pure, peace-filled, and spiritually expansive energy. Meditating with Papagoite can evoke a sense of spiritual euphoria, especially when handled for the first time. The very first time I held a Papagoite crystal, I quickly felt a warm energy pooling up in my heart center that seemed to pulsate and slowly expand beyond the heart. The energy of Papagoite is highly benevolent and tends to harmonize with whatever touches it. In other words, Papagoite meets you at the level you are comfortable with. It will gently raise your vibration, if you allow it to, at a rate that you are ready for.

Papagoite has been reported to work effectively at activating and clearing the third eye, crown, and etheric Chakras. Once these Chakras have been cleared, communication can be established more easily with higher guidance, celestial helpers, and the higher self/oversoul. Papagoite is a high vibrational stone, and can also be used for protection, because lower vibration cannot compete with its frequency.

Papagoite can be used together with its sibling, Ajoite. Ajoite helps open the heart and soften one’s energy field, preparing the way for Papagoite to do its work of raising our vibration and further expanding inner vision and spiritual awareness. Both Papagoite and Ajoite can be used to access the “Akasha” or karmic records, and bring understanding and healing for old karma and emotional wounds.

If Ajoite is the Grandmother, connected to Earth records, Papagoite is the Grandfather, that connects us to ancient celestial knowledge. Together these two rare stones can bridge the gap of earth and sky within.

Papagoite has a calming, emotionally supportive, and spiritually elevating energy. It is a stone for the spiritual visionary. It mysteriously finds its way to the lives of those who are here to transmit higher wisdom from spirit realm.